In rating your Team Leader in the area of Communication:
...consider how well the individual provides information…
- Are communications at the appropriate frequency?
- Is the format appropriate; i.e., face-to-face, voicemail, email, etc?
- Are communications open, candid, and honest?
- Are ideas articulated in a clear, concise manner?
...consider how well the individual gathers input…
- Does he/she ask questions that uncover issues and obstacles?
- Is he/she open to suggestions?
- Does he/she take feedback well?
- Does he/she balance talking and listening appropriately?
...consider how well the individual interacts with their audience…
- Is he/she sensitive to the emotions of the audience?
- Does he/she inject an appropriate amount of humor?
- Does he/she make the audience feel comfortable and at ease in their presence?
- Is eye contact appropriate?
- Is he/she willing to elaborate when necessary, and provide additional
information and clarification as appropriate?