Example of what the feedback
from raters
might be:


Here are the Suggestions from your team for ALL of the 8-ates:


Start: being more visible

Continue: communications open, candid, and honest

Start: to ask more questions to promote greater interchange of thoughts and ideas

Start: Try not to let the everyday business demands impact you emotionally. You are definitely making strides in this area,

Continue: The progress that you have made since becoming a manager.


Continue: looking for opportunity for your team

Continue: doing in a positive manner

Start: look for opportunities to challenge direct reports (and self) to stretch beyond current comfort zones

Start: Use delegation as a developmental opportunity with your associates

Stop: You cannot do it all. Partner with others before it becomes overwhelming


Continue: to be an exceptional trainer

Continue: injecting humor in her classes

Stop: doing "it" for someone (when asked for help), rather than investing the additional time in letting person walk through and understand the steps themselves (teach them to fish vs. catching the fish for them)

Continue: Infusing your presentations to groups with humor- you really have a gift for creating an environment where people relax and actually have fun- even when the subject matter is pretty dry (ex. -excel)

Continue: Doing the great job that you are doing. Continue looking for opportunities to reach our audiences,


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